The torrential downpour was reminiscent of the early 1980's game in Tampa Stadium. The Strikers have seen their share of tropical precipitation at home as well, as you can see in the shot below of the 1988 Fort Lauderdale Strikers.

zooming in ...... and along
The torrential downpour was reminiscent of the early 1980's game in Tampa Stadium. The Strikers have seen their share of tropical precipitation at home as well, as you can see in the shot below of the 1988 Fort Lauderdale Strikers.
Club members not only have the benefit of four hours of open track time per session along with catered dinner or lunch, but receive from one to four hours of private instruction with the club pro, 50% discounts on private track rentals, discounted trackside services, VIP access and parking for PBIR events, and reciprocal driving privileges at 6 other road courses in the US and Canada.
For those who’d like to see if the Palm Beach Driving Club is right for them, there is a guest program, which includes driver orientation with the club pro, four hours of open track time and a catered dinner for $ 500.00. How about the opportunity to be a passenger with Shane in the Radical SR-3 for four hot laps of PBIR’s exciting road course along with the catered dinner for $ 250.00. What a great Christmas gift.
For more information on any of the club’s four membership levels, and their features and benefits visit www.palmbeachdrivingclub.com or contact Ken Fengler at 561.578.5628
Nestor Lorenzo battles Jurgen Klinsman in the
Italia 90 World Cup final ©Jon van Woerden
My good friend Mick Finn and I enjoyed watching the Netherlands advance to the semi-finals in a historic win over Brazil. Mick who had just recently returned to Atlanta with his wife Cindy after living in Den Hague is a devout fan of Oranje. Now comes tomorrows Argentina vs Germany match, which could become one of the classic meetings of this tournament, unlike their dreadful meeting in the Italia 90 final, that Germany won on a penalty kick in a game marred by two Argentine red card expulsions. The winner of this quarter final match-up may well be the Netherlands opponent in the final of South Africa 2010, provided both prevail in there semi final match-ups.
Today we are also reminded of one of soccer's tragic moments, as it is 16 years since Andrés Escobar was murdered in Columbia in retaliation for his inadvertent own goal in the 1994 World Cup game against the US which Columbia lost, contributing to their elimination from the tournament. It was in the quarter finals of these games that Brazil defeated the Netherlands 3:2 in Dallas on July 9th. and continued on to win in the final against Italy.
R.I.P Andrés Escobar
Photo ©Jon van Woerden